What I did over winter break (aka the story of how I loomed 11 infinity scarves and 3 hats)
Hey lovelies. Hope everyone had a good winter break. I'm heading back to New Canada on Sunday for my last semester of undergraduate college! It's so emotional and overwhelming and I both love/ hate it. And, after a very frustrating time regarding transcript and 235 dollars later (owie!) I'm almost fully applied to 6 graduate school. Now the endless waiting process (cries). Also, exciting news!! I have 1,119 page views!! I mean, thats a huge number to me, and sure, most of those are probably just spam or me checking out my own blog but some people outside my own life are reading this thing, and I say thank you, you the real MVP. Anyway, I'm happy to point out that this is my third blog post this month which means...I ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING ON MY NEW YEAR LIST!!!! (Throws ticket tape parade). Okay I know I'm suppose to post three things every month in order to check it off my list, but it my defense I'm very bad at a lot of things so this is a big deal. Actu...